Sunday 22 September 2013

The Mobile Creches Method!

We practice Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) that's practical, holistic and inclusive. The backbone of our method is:

Picture of creche from outside
Safe Space: We ask builders to donate space, materials and resources for creches. In places where public services do not work we mobilize people to work with local leadership to facilitate those services and teach women how to set up creches in their homes.

Multi Purpose Classrooms: We divide classrooms into three areas: Creche (for children 0-3), Balwadi (for children 3-5) and Non Formal Education (NFE for children 6-12)

A Balwadi Class in progress
An NFE class in progress
  • The babies in the creche are stimulated with colorful mobiles, songs, cuddling and interactive play. 
  • Balwadi activity for preschoolers encourage social, cognitive and motor development through games, puppets, stories and more.
  • The oldest children, in the NFE group, learn the rudiments of reading and math with a special focus on preparation for exams and transitioning to formal school.
  • Alumni of Mobile Creches between 6-18 years, stay engaged through the school scholarship programme, library and hobby clubs and the street theatre groups.  
Curriculum on a Shoe-String: Because routine and repetition helps kids learn, we use a theme based hands-on learning methodology we call Prakalp whereby all activities in the centre, be it counting to storytelling, revolve around specific themes (e.g. 'Myself' or 'Rain') each quarter. What we don't have we improvise: colorful mobiles made of waste paper, painted pebbles, clay animals and cardboard cutouts. Flashcards and worksheets are often handmade by our teachers.

Rice and Pulses for lunch

Nutrition: Hungry kids can't learn. We provide nutritious meals that consist of staples such as lentils, rice, greens, milk, soya nut and sprouted grain, both enabling children to focus, and encouraging parents to practice low cost nutrition at home and contribute to supplies in the centre. We also provide prophylactic doses of vitamins A & C, iron and calcium.

A child being immunized

Systems for Hygiene, Health and Growth Monitoring: Meeting the minimum standard for hygiene is a challenge in a slum or a construction site. Systems demand that our childcare workers check children behind the ears and under the nails; wash their hands frequently; properly dispose of stools and treat drinking water
  • We make diapers out of clean cotton scraps and leftover cuttings donated by garment factories. 
  • We monitor each child's growth closely in the early years to nip malnutrition in the bud.
  • Our centres become community hubs that connect health agencies to the unreached- for free check ups, immunizations and treatment through referrals.
A Community Health Camp in progress
Parent, Community and Childcare Practices: Mobile Creches services young children by empowering the community around them. We provide platforms for parents to come together and build a common understanding, in their context- on hygiene, feeding, schooling, childcare and their right to basic public services- through community meetings, one on one counselling on breastfeeding and weaning foods, issue based campaigns, street theatre, children's fairs, women's self help groups, adolescent clubs and so on.   

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children at a construction site centre

children at a construction site centre